Behaviour 360

Product overview

The Behaviours 360 questionnaire provides individuals, groups and organisations with the opportunity to receive behavioural feedback on leadership and behavioural competencies. It can be used ‘off the shelf’ for immediate deployment or it can be easily configured to incorporate an organisation’s specific client competencies and behavioural indicators.

Using Behaviours 360

Behaviours 360 is administered through JCA’s user-friendly Development Hub platform which allows participants and administrators to manage 360 degree feedback processes, ensuring efficient and timely completion.

The Behaviours 360 report has been carefully designed to facilitate strong developmental conversations. Results and data from the Behaviours 360, are presented in a clear and visually appealing manner that allows users and participants to easily interpret and understand findings, which can then form the basis for development and action plans.

Designing tailored 360 degree feedback questionnaires

We can easily configure our Behaviours 360 questionnaire to incorporate an organisation’s competencies and behavioural indicators. If the competency framework already exists, we can simply and quickly build these into the existing Behaviours 360 assessment.  Alternatively, JCA also has its own competency library which allows us to work with organisations to create tailored 360 degree feedback questionnaires specific to job roles or organisational level.

When to use Behaviours 360

Whether you are looking to utilise a 360 degree feedback process as a standalone assessment tool, or whether it is built into a wider, long-term development programme, Behaviours 360 will provide participants with heightened awareness of their strengths, development areas and how their behaviour impacts others.

Clients commonly use Behaviours 360 for:

  • Individual’s coaching and personal development programmes.
  • Graduate development
  • Management development
  • Leadership development
  • Senior executive development

Why choose Behaviours 360?

  • Efficient and user-friendly experience for participants and raters
  • Clear, concise and accessible feedback reports facilitating strong, developmental conversations
  • High levels of flexibility and configuration allows users to design tailored and bespoke questionnaires to meet specific and precise needs
  • Time comparison reports allow development to be tracked over time
  • Group reports facilitates analysis of team or group strengths and development areas