Emotional Intelligence Profile 360

Product overview

The Emotional Intelligence Profile 360 (EIP 360) is a multi-rater version of our industry-leading Emotional Intelligence Profile.

EIP 360 enables individuals to assess themselves against the six core elements of our Emotional Intelligence framework and compare their self-assessment with how their colleagues, line manager, direct reports, peers, and other key stakeholders may experience them.

When to use the Emotional Intelligence Profile 360

EIP 360 is a developmental tool used to enhance the performance of individuals and leaders. Using the EIP 360 to assess and develop the Emotional Intelligence of your people and leaders will help you to:

  • Improve employee engagement
  • Create open, collaborative and trust-based cultures
  • Build an emotionally resilient workforce
  • Develop a sustainable high performance climate
  • Transform the interpersonal skills of technical experts
  • Focus talent development on the leadership qualities that are critical for future success
  • Improve awareness of how emotionally intelligent behaviours and attitudes are viewed and experienced by others

Why choose the Emotional Intelligence Profile 360?

EIP 360 is based on the industry-leading Emotional Intelligence Profile, which has over 15 years of research and validation and which has been used by over 20,000 leaders worldwide.

Key features include:

  • Captures feedback confidentially and anonymously
  • Shows how self-assessment of Emotional Intelligence compares to the assessment of others
  • Identifies Emotional Intelligence strengths, development areas, potential and blind spots
  • Provides item-by-item analysis to pinpoint development opportunities

Our model of Emotional Intelligence

The 16 scales of the EIP are structured within a six-part framework. This separates the scales into:

Personal Intelligence; having positive self-regard, being self-aware and managing your behaviour effectively.

Interpersonal Intelligence; having a positive regard for others, being aware of others and managing your relationships effectively.