Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is how somebody manages their personality to be both personally and interpersonally effective.

Businesses high in Emotional Intelligence benefit from more engaged employees and leaders, staff who are more able to adapt and cope with change, better team working, collaboration and innovation.

Our approach to Emotional Intelligence

Behaviourial change developed in the training room is often temporary and people soon return to old habits back at work. Recognising this, we created one of the first measures of Emotional Intelligence applied to business. The Emotional Intelligence Profile was specifically designed to facilitate change in attitudes leading to sustainable change in behaviour.

With over 20 years experience working with thousands of leaders globally, we have developed a suite of Emotional Intelligence products for business that help individuals, teams and organisations improve engagement, performance and well-being.

Why measure Emotional Intelligence?

Our Emotional Intelligence Profile provides individuals and teams with a developmental route map to unlock potential and translate it into effective performance. By identifying the underlying attitudes that underpin an individual’s thinking and feeling we are able to help people make sustainable behaviourial change.