Leadership Climate Indicator

Product overview

The Leadership Climate Indicator (LCI) is an organisational survey tool that measures the tone set by leaders within an organisation. Drawing upon our expertise as global leaders in applied Emotional Intelligence, the LCI provides answers to the question “how does it feel to work around here?”

The Leadership Climate Indicator is completed by employees who assess the climate created by individual line managers, as well as the climate created by groups of leaders such as senior leadership teams. It provides a snapshot diagnosis of how the current leadership climate is perceived and experienced by employees. Comparisons across teams and functions enable the identification of leadership behaviours that are either contributing to, or hindering high performance.

When to use the Leadership Climate Indicator?

The LCI measures leadership climate set by individual leaders, groups of leaders, or both. It provides powerful diagnostic information that can inform strategic initiatives such as culture change or other organisational development programmes.

Insights generated through the LCI:

  • Provide leaders with feedback about the climate they create
  • Enable senior leadership teams to understand how employees feel being led by them
  • Build openness and trust
  • Cultivate a leadership climate that will create a culture of sustainable high performance
  • Help organisations increase employee engagement, well-being and productivity
  • Enable targeted L&D and leadership development strategies

Why choose JCA’s Leadership Climate Indicator?

Written and designed with business users in mind, the LCI is an efficient and simple process to get an accurate diagnosis of the climate being generated by leaders across the organisation.

Key features include:

  • Two separate user-friendly reports, showing individual leaders the climate they personally create and a group report showing the climate created by a leadership team
  • Enables individual leaders and leadership teams to identify the impact they have on their employees
  • Benchmark comparisons against other leaders and organisations
  • Provides the basis for individual, team and organisational development
  • Includes qualitative comments gathered from respondents


The LCI measures 12 aspects of leadership climate vital for employee and organisational performance.  These are divided into six scales across two positive quadrants – Inspiring and Including, and six scales across two negative quadrants – Controlling and Withdrawing.