Leadership Climate Indicator 360

Product overview

The Leadership Climate Indicator 360 (LCI 360) is our 360 degree feedback version of our Leadership Climate Indicator survey. It enables leaders to collect feedback from people they work with to understand the leadership climate they create. Unique in the market, it enables leaders to answer the question, “how does it feel to be led by me?”.

When to use the Leadership Climate Indicator 360?

The LCI 360 measures leadership climate set by individual leaders. As a powerful developmental tool, it provides diagnostic information that can inform leadership development and coaching programmes.

Insights generated through the LCI 360:

• Help leaders understand how their behaviour affects those they work with • Identifies leadership behaviours blocking performance • Provides clear developmental pathway by raising awareness of strengths, development areas, hidden strengths and blind spots • Build climates of openness and trust within teams

Why choose our LCI 360?

Written and designed with business users in mind, the LCI 360 is an efficient and simple process to provide leaders with insights as to the leadership climate they create.

Key features include:

  • Impact items identify how the leader’s climate affects performance, well-being and engagement
  • Simple, easy to understand report clearly shows how self-ratings compare to the perceptions of others
  • Feedback process easily administered through JCA’s user-friendly Development Hub platform
  • Includes qualitative comments gathered from respondents
  • Group report version enables identification of themes across groups of leaders


The LCI 360 enables individuals to assess themselves and collect feedback on 12 aspects of leadership climate that predict employee and organisational performance. The 12 scales cover four quadrants – Inspiring and Including, Controlling and Withdrawing.