
What is personality?

Personality can be described as a combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. Through an awareness of our own personality, an appreciation of our own innate resources, strengths and preferred style, we are able to achieve sustainable personal development. Although underlying personality may remain the same, over time people have the capacity to change and develop their behaviour, communication and interpersonal style.

Our approach to personality assessment

Being aware of your own personality provides you with essential, practical information about yourself that can be applied to every aspect of your life. Whilst it is important within the workplace for employees to hold a basic level of skill associated to their job, these skills solely do not make the employee great. We believe that through the understanding of one’s own personality and the management of this through Emotional Intelligence, an individual is able to perform effectively.

Why measure personality?

As well as assisting in self-development, understanding our personality style in relation to others supports effective communication and teamwork. It is through this understanding that we can leverage similarities and differences to create collaborative and trusted working environments through building and cultivating relationships. These relationships are integral to an individual’s career, as well as the success of the organisation.