Team Emotional Intelligence Profile

Product Overview

Team Emotional Intelligence consists of the shared behaviours, habits and attitudes that create the conditions for teams to develop, perform and communicate effectively. Teams high in EI get the most from their members; they effectively balance tasks, deal with conflict effectively and deliver outstanding results.

The Team Emotional Intelligence Profile (TEIP) is a powerful diagnostic tool for measuring team behaviours and performance in the workplace.

When to use the Team Emotional Intelligence Profile?

Used before and after team interventions or as an integral part of team coaching and development, the TEIP can:

  • Build supportive relationships to create climates of openness, trust and team collaboration
  • Raise energy, motivation and commitment of the team
  • Empower team members
  • Help team members work through conflict constructively
  • Enable teams to become more flexible, creative and productive

The TEIP can have significant impact when teams are forming, undergoing change or challenge, or where the interpersonal dynamics of a team are inhibiting full functioning.

Why choose the Team Emotional Intelligence Profile?

Originally developed 20 years ago, the TEIP was the first ever measure of Team Emotional Intelligence. Having been continuously researched and refined since, the TEIP has an exemplary track record for developing high-performing teams.

Key features include:

  • Measures the attitudes and behaviours that distinguish outstanding team performance
  • Unblocks stuck teams by rapidly pinpointing team blind spots and development areas blocking performance
  • Offers pragmatic suggestions for developing aspects which underpin the team’s performance
  • Benchmarking against high performing teams and different job levels
  • Qualitative comments from team members
  • Two separate reports, one for the team’s overall ratings and another for each team member’s ratings

Our model of Team Emotional Intelligence

The TEIP measures Team Emotional Intelligence across six-scales, consistent with the core elements of the Emotional Intelligence Profile. The scales focus on:

Team Relationships; team members who positively value and respect each other (Climate) are more likely to be open and attentive towards one another (Openness), which will lead to strong and effective relationships (Collaboration).

Team Intelligence; a team that is united by a shared belief and confidence (Morale) will be more motivated and engaged in whatever it is doing (Motivation) thus helping the team to perform well and achieve what it sets out to do (Effectiveness).