Craig Chappell
Nick Read

Denise Overend-Clarke
Graham Shaw

Annette Ryan
Annette is passionate about people and about business. She’ll have her finger on the pulse – of the organisation – and of each individual within the programme.Annette knows business inside out. She combines her practical skills, academic learning and management practice experience to challenge the concepts of best business practice. Annette has transitioned from CEO and owner of her own businesses to trusted advisor enriched by the knowledge of human behaviour. “I help people achieve the results their strategy aims for”.
Clint Rahe
Clint is a multi-dimensional leadership development consultant with over 15 years’ experience in a diverse range of areas, he has worked with a variety of organisations to enhance their leadership capability transforming individual performance. He has spent 12 years’ service in the Royal Air Force in which he trained and developed leaders focussing on individual leadership giving people a practical experience to develop individually and identify how they contribute to form a cohesive team.